Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cirque Du Freak: A Living Nightmare By: Darren Shan Blog 11 1/18/11

Describe a subplot and explain how it related to the bigger plot in the story.  Remember to highlight your statement, proper nouns or numbers, and conclusion.

                A subplot to my story Cirque Du Freak is that Darren, the main character stole a vampires deadly spider and it bit his best friend steve. Now Darren has no other choice than to go to the place were he stole the vampires spider to see if the vampire, also known as Mr. Crepsley, has an antidote that steve can take so that he will live. In the end Darren gets the antidote but has to make some life sacrafices to get it, but steve does live which is a good thing but it may not be for poor little Darren who is stuck in a promise he dosent want to keep.

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