Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cirque Du Freak: A Living Nightmare By: Darren Shan Blog 11 1/18/11

Describe a subplot and explain how it related to the bigger plot in the story.  Remember to highlight your statement, proper nouns or numbers, and conclusion.

                A subplot to my story Cirque Du Freak is that Darren, the main character stole a vampires deadly spider and it bit his best friend steve. Now Darren has no other choice than to go to the place were he stole the vampires spider to see if the vampire, also known as Mr. Crepsley, has an antidote that steve can take so that he will live. In the end Darren gets the antidote but has to make some life sacrafices to get it, but steve does live which is a good thing but it may not be for poor little Darren who is stuck in a promise he dosent want to keep.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Demonata: Hell's Heroes By:Darren Shan 1/13/11 blog:10

Do you relate to the main character in your book?  How is he or she like or not like you?  Compare and contrast the main character's life with yours.

The main character in my book is no were near like me. He can handle seeing alot of gruesome sights which i dont think I could handle. He can also come up with great plans off the top of his head and they work very well. I would have to think long and hard about a plan that, if you lose the whole world would be destroyed be vicious demons that dont care about anything and only want to kill. I would probably pass out from all the tension and stress he is always under when fighting the demonata not afraid that he might die. One way we are alike though is that he is still scared when he fights the demons.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Demonata: Demon Apocalypse By: Darren Shan- 12/3/10 Blog 9

If you could create a symbol for the main character in your IRB, what would it be and why?  Be sure to include specific examples from your book to support your choice.

The symbol I would make for my character would have to be blood, because there is so much of it in my IRB. All the time they are suffering bloody wounds. They also cause the Demonata to bleed but not with usual weapons, they use magic which is the only way to kill them. the deomata have the upper hand when it comes to killing humans because they have magic but they dont need to use it to kill the humans. the demonata also dont need to eat or drink, as you know humans do but they dont in the demonata universe. In the end i chose blood as the symbol because its in every demon and human.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Demonata: Blood Beast. By: Darren Shan 11/24/10 blog 8

Describe the effect the literature has on its audience.  Make sure to use specific examples to support your answer.

The affect on the Adience of my IRB Blood Beast is that it always makes me want to help the main character Grubbs fights in these bloody battles against the demonata. It makes you fear for the life of grubbs and his uncle Dervish when they are fighting. It makes me want to jump into the book and help them. Such as when they are on the plane and Lord loss shows up and starts killing every one. Or like the time when grubbs was running away from Dervish and a demon shows up and almost kills grubbs. But in the end Grubbs always finds a way to kill the demon.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Demonata:Slawter By: Darren Shan 11/3/10

Identify a theme in your IRB.  Describe events in your book that support this theme.

One of the themes in my book is fighting. There is so much of it that I dont want to stop reading it. Such as in the part im reading now when grubbs turns his feet into blades and impales a demon killing it instantly or like the time when him and dervish got in a fight because dervish didnt believe that demons were on the set of Slawter. Slawter is the set of a movie that is being filmed by a famous director named Daivida Haym. she is also grubbses idol and he wanted to meet her until he found out she was working with demons with her Co-director chula sool.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Demonata: Lord Loss By: Darren Shan 10/5/10 blog 5

How is the meaning of the text affected by the setting?

In the book im reading "Lord Loss' the texts shows alot of suspence and almost an erie feeling. There is always talk about the death of the main character Grubbses parents. They died when 3 demons killed them,for some reason the demons killed them but i dont know why yet. The text also shows alot of gore and blood and goes into alot of detail on how the characters are killed in very twisted and creepy ways. the suspence is great in the book and makes it worth reading

The Demonata: Demon Thief By: Darren Shan 9/29/10 Blog 4

On the Internet, read a biography about the author of your IRB. How do you see the traditions, heritage, attitudes, or beliefs of the author in your book?

In my book "The Demonata: Demon thief" the author puts his own fasination of creepy stories in most of his book. When the author was in college he wrote all of his papers and somthing creepy. The author also puts his taditions in the story such as he has a brother that likes to bite and the main character's brother likes to bite as well. The author puts in his attitudes in the story as well by making the main character very outgoing and brave.